
Каталог DVD & Blue-Ray

Slipknot: The Story Of Slipknot
1399 руб
В ролях: "Slipknot"
Описание: Wheter masked or unmasked, Slipknot remain the most enigmatic and innovative metal band in the world. And with a live show that supersedes virtually anything else on offer, this strange collective are now threatening to release the heaviest music of their career. Slipknot are more controversy than most groups would know how to handle and an army of fans so loyal to the cause they could register as a religion. All of this and more are the subject of this stunning documentary film, in which rare footage, exclusive interviews, contributions from friends, colleagues and other associates, location shoots, news reports, seldom seen photos and a host of other features make for the finest programme yet the emerge on Des Moines, Iowa's favourite sons.
Год выпуска: 2015
Selena Gomez: The Story Of A Teenage Superstar
1499 руб
В ролях: Селена Гомез
Описание: Selena gomez has always been way ahead of her time. At the tender age of 12 she was discovered by the disney network. She eventually landed a recurring role on hannah montana. Her passion for acting and singing has catapulted her into a global teen idol and she continues to reinvent herself. This intimate film explores her astonishing evolution from a child star, into a young woman.
Год выпуска: 2015
One Direction: We Love One Direction
1417 руб
В ролях: "One Direction"
Описание: Superstar group One Direction has taken pop music fans all over the world by storm. Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan exploded onto the scene and captured the hearts of fans from their start on The X Factor. With documentary we take a close look into how the combination of 1D s good looks, charm, and fan interaction catapulted them into mega-stardom. You II see a playful side of the guys through exclusive interviews spanning from their start to where they are now. We give you the true inside look at the stories behind the fame.
Год выпуска: 2015
Rolling Stones: Midnight Rambler
1417 руб
В ролях: "The Rolling Stones"
Описание: A look at the history of one of Britain's most successful bands, The Rolling Stones, from their rebellious sixties beginnings to their present day. This movie contains rarely seen stories, interviews, clips and behind-the-scene footage. Plus Live Clips: 01. Midnight ramber 02. I can't get satisfaction 03. Umpin' jack flash 04. Carol
Год выпуска: 2015
Katy Perry: Love And Smile
1299 руб
В ролях: Кэти Перри
Описание: She's the most exciting pop star to have emerged since Madonna hit the scene over 30 years ago, and with their shared religious backgrounds Katy and Madge have more in common than just huge talents as performers, dancers, musicians, composers and as women who know only to well how to use their enormous sex appeal to their own benefit through skill and with dignity. Katy Perry is already established as the First Lady of Music in this and, almost certainly, future decades. This exclusive documentary contains the full story of Katy Perry with tons of backstage footage, interviews and many more.
Год выпуска: 2015
Marilyn Manson: Birds Of Hell
1635 руб
В ролях: Мэрилин Мэнсон
Описание: Documentary That Aims To Tell The Complete Story Of Marilyn Manson. The Controversial Us Rock Musician Born In Ohio And Christened Brian Warner. Manson Attended A Christian School And Appeared To Enioy An Ordinary Childhood However He Reinvented Himself In His 20s As A Black Metal Musician With A Penchant For Dressing In Elaborate Outfits And Set Out To Shock The Establishment With His Music And Persona This Dvd Contains Stories Interviews. Backstage Footage And Rare Live Clips.
Год выпуска: 2015
Шагал Малевич
164 руб
Режисёр: Александр Наумович Митта
В ролях: Леонид Бичевин, Кристина Шнайдерман, Анатолий Белый, Семен Шкаликов
Описание: Леонид Бичевин («Девушка и смерть»), Кристина Шнайдерман, Анатолий Белый («Багровый цвет снегопада») в историческом фильме Александра Митта «Шагал Малевич» В Витебск к своей возлюбленной Бэлле. возвращается из Парижа художник Шагал. Он мечтает построить здесь город искусств, маленький Париж, открыть школу живописи и пригласить художников, в том числе и Казимира Малевича. Малевич уверен, что он бог, уверен, что супрематизм - возможность вырваться за пределы Вселенной. Его крути и квадраты гораздо больше подходят советской идеологии, чем зеленые скрипачи Шагала. Между художниками начинается нешуточное противостояние: от Шагала уходят ученики, вдохновленные простотой манеры Малевича. Друг детства Шагала, а теперь комиссар Витебска Наум, хоть и помогает художнику по старой памяти, но в основном бредит его женой Беллой. Отец талантливого ученика Шагала рав Ицик всячески пытается оттащить сына от обаятельного учителя. Шагал же продолжает не замечать ни Наума, изнывающего...
Год выпуска: 2015